Sweet Pea announces poster contest for 2020 summer festival
Sweet Pea Festival is sponsoring its annual poster contest and a $1,000 prize for this year’s festival poster winner.
To enter, please deliver or mail your entries to the Sweet Pea Office at 424 E Main Street, Suite 203 B. Deadline for entry is 5pm on Friday, April 3rd. If entrants choose to mail their submissions, ensure they will arrive at the Sweet Pea offices by April 2nd.
All entries must be clearly identified on the reverse side with the entry form found on the Sweet Pea website. Additionally, the 18 x 24 entry must be mounted on a firm back (foam core) or within a frame.
The winning artist will be notified between April 13th and May 16th, then announced on the website and via social media following notification. This is an all ages contest and all levels of expertise are encouraged to enter.
For entry specifications and to print the poster contest entry form, visit www.sweetpeafestival.org/applications. Please contact the office with any additional questions at (406) 586-4003.
Held in Bozeman since 1978, Sweet Pea is a three-day festival of the arts. This year’s Festival dates are August 7th, 8th and 9th with other events like Chalk on the Walk and Bite of Bozeman kicking things off earlier in the week. The festival includes everything from music, theatre and dance, to children’s activities and adult painting workshops. Sweet Pea is committed to its mission of “promoting and cultivating the arts.”
Hundreds of volunteers run and organize this annual event, a testament to the community’s desire for its ongoing success. Following operational costs, all money raised is given back to the community in the form of grants for the arts, art education, and special projects in the Bozeman area. Where art and community meet. •