Bridger Mountains by Lou Ann Harris
Rugged Jim Bridger Trail Run puts locals to the test on Saturday, June 22nd
Bridger Ski Foundation has announced the 26th Annual Jim Bridger Trail Run will take place in Bozeman on Saturday, June 22nd and is now accepting participant registrations.
Beginning and ending in Sypes Canyon, the Jim Bridger Trail Run is a rugged, 10-mile trail race with more than 2,000 feet of vertical climbs through the Bridger Mountain foothills. Registration includes a t-shirt, shuttle, and post-race BBQ. All proceeds benefit the efforts of the nonprofit Bridger Ski Foundation.
Note: There is absolutely no parking allowed at the trailhead, start/finish line, or along Sypes Canyon Rd. the day of the race. Vans will run from 7am until the end of the event. Find parking at Springhill Sod Farm, at the intersection of Springhill and Sypes Canyon. Shuttles are mandatory for runners, spectators, and volunteers.
Registration for the Jim Bridger Trail Run is $50 – and this race fills up! For more details and to register, please visit www.bridgerskifoundation.org/jbtr.
Bridger Ski Foundation offers educational and competitive programs in Nordic, Freestyle, Freeskiing, Snowboarding and Alpine skiing. They also groom 70+ km of community Nordic ski trails for the Bozeman public. BSF focuses on inspiring a lifelong love of skiing, athletic excellence, and personal growth. Learn more about membership opportunities and other events by visiting the aforementioned website. •