Ring in the New at Norris Hot Springs

Russ Chapman
Happy 2017! If your new year brings resolutions, Norris Hot Springs has you covered. Plan to eat better? The No LoOse Dogs Café serves the finest in organic and sustainable food to enjoy while you soak. Much of the produce is home grown and packaged at the peak of freshness for you to enjoy in home made soups, burritos and noodle bowls. Want to de-stress a little after the holidays? Soaking in the Water of the Gods is actually very good for you! According to folklore, soaking in hot springs increases your blood flow, circulation, metabolism, and absorption of essential minerals. Resolving to spend more time with your family or friends unplugged from your smartphone? Norris offers the perfect opportunity to connect with loved ones or hang with friends in a unique natural setting. You can check your messages when you get home – hot water and technology don’t mix. Hoping to add more music to your life? Come visit Norris on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday for the best in live acoustic music.
Kicking things off on Sunday, January 1st is Russ Chapman. If you like Taj Mahal, Randy Newman, Ry Cooder, John Hiatt, Lyle Lovett or Leon Redbone, then odds are, you’ll like Russ Chapman. Even if you don’t like those guys, there’s still hope. An original songwriter, Russ stomps and sings an inspired blend of hill country blues and swing, with a taste for lyrical wordplay- there’s no deep soul crushing ballads here, just good clean(ish) fun. www.russchapman.com. Soothe your body after a night celebrating at Norris.