The public is invited to Child Care Connections’ Open House on Tuesday, September 20th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the organization’s new location, 1143 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 1. Refreshments will be provided. Community members will have an opportunity to meet Child Care Connections’ board and staff, to tour the new office and to learn about the organization’s program and services.
Child Care Connections advocates for the well-being and quality care of children. The group which recently expanded to a six county area provides child care referral services to families, as well as, training and support for organizations that provide child care. Montana has the second least affordable child care in the United States. Most children in the state between the ages of two and nine have a diet classified as “needs improvement” or “poor” and unintentional injury is the number one killer of children before the age of fourteen. Child Care Connections works to improve outcomes for challenges like these confronting children and families today.
Child Care Connections (CCC) is the only nonprofit child care resource and referral agency in this area serving Gallatin, Park, Meagher, Lewis and Clark, Broadwater, and Jefferson counties. Several programs are administered by CCC. The Best Beginnings Scholarship Program provides funding to low-income families which enables the parents or guardians to work or attend school. The Child and Adult Care Food Program reimburses and educates child care providers in an effort to improve the nutritional status of Montana’s children. The Child Safety Program is dedicated to preventing unintentional injury and death caused by improperly installed car seats and the lack of bicycle helmets, gun locks, and life jackets. Other services include Provider Services to mentor and educate child care providers and the Supersitter program developed for area youth to learn CPR, first aid, and child care basics. If you are interested in more information, please contact Child Care Connections’ Executive Director, Jane Arntzen Schumacher at 587-7786 ext 109 or email