Yoga Motion Yoga Center
Create peaceful, healing environments where people of all ages and abilities
can feel good, have fun and live well.
Offer individuals the educational tools which empower them to take responsibility
for their quality of life uniting body, mind and spirit.
Serve the community by integrating yoga principles into everyday living.
YogaMotion is a safe and effective form of Hatha Yoga that has been developed by Nancy Ruby over 35 years of practice in the field of mind-body wellness.
YogaMotion™ synthesizes a variety of disciplines, focusing on the inner workings of alignment, breath, and movement. The Iyengar method serves as a foundation for precise structure and support. Anusara universal principles of alignment opens us to the grace of organic, energetic movement. Viniyoga softens the movement through breath control and individualized attention honoring the person, not the pose. As students become more adept, YogaMotion links the postures creating a flow similar to the traditions of Ashtanga, offering a vigorous workout and moving meditation.
Having also been certified as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer and neuromuscular therapist since 1982, Nancy implements the components of traditional western science along with the influences of Moshe Feldenkrais, Joseph Pilates and the Alexander technique. YogaMotion™ offers a practical approach to yoga introducing an ancient art and science to modern day western society.
There is nothing mystical or religious about it. YogaMotion™ is a down-to-earth practice that will inspire you to share the knowledge of yoga with others as you enjoy the wealth of benefits it brings to body, mind & spirit.
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