Western Transportation Institute
Moving transportation forward. WTI is the leader in rural transportation research.
Designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration as one of the top 10 National University Transportation Centers, we fulfill our charge of advancing the field of transportation and developing the next generation of professionals by conducting cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research. WTI is a department in the College of Engineering at Montana State University where we excel at partnering with faculty, other universities, transportation agencies and private sector partners.
The Montana and California Departments of Transportation founded WTI in 1994 in cooperation with MSU. The organization was designated as a UTC in 1998 and had its recognition renewed in 2005.
While we concentrate on rural transportation research, some of our projects address urban environments. And as stewards and champions of rural America, we also have a strong interest in research and projects related to sustainability, such as using recycled materials for roadways and providing rural public transportation options.
Because we live and work in rural communities, we understand the critical roles rural transportation plays in the lives of people, in the environment and in the economy.
We draw from our eight integrated research groups to create solutions that work for our clients, sponsors and rural transportation research partners. WTI focuses on rural issues, but some of our program areas also address the concerns of the urban environment. Whatever the objective, we bring innovation and expertise to each WTI transportation research project.
WTI’s main facility with its state-of-the-art labs is adjacent to the Montana State University campus in Bozeman, Montana. We have additional offices in Alberta, Canada, and central Washington, and a large testing facility in rural Montana near Lewistown. Contact us to find out how to address your rural transportation research needs.
Message From The Director
Welcome to the Western Transportation Institute!
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