Compass Apostolic Church
Bozeman, MT 59718 United States (406) 539-7902 https://www.compassapostolic.com/
Compass is a place to help you to find real answers to real issues, direction in a directionless society, and certainty in an uncertain world. We are a Bible-based Christian church that seeks to provide you and the community of the Gallatin Valley with the navigational tools to find and connect with God in spirit and in truth.
If there is a void in your heart and you are looking for the missing piece in your life, the missing piece is God. We want to provide you with the people, place, and resources to build a lasting relationship with your Creator; a place where you can find the fulfillment you have been looking for and the purpose for which you were created. We provide Biblical teaching and preaching that will encourage, inspire, challenge, and give you clear direction to the adventure of life. Now that you have found Compass, it is time to follow the gravitational pull of Jesus’ calling on your life.
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