MSU Family Care Rooms
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Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States
The Family Care Rooms are a dedicated space for breastfeeding or pumping women on campus, and often includes a sink, comfy chair, changing table, resource information, microwave, and a growing library on parenting topics. These rooms provide a family friendly environment for lactation needs, infant feeding, diaper changing and lounge for soothing and are available for use by faculty, staff and students.
Family Care Rooms are located in:
- American Indian Hall, 1st floor
- Barnard, 3rd floor, room 386
- Hamilton Hall, 1st floor, room 123
- Jabs Hall, 4th floor, room 440
- Leon Johnson Hall, 3rd Floor
- Nopper Building (HR), 1st floor
- Norm Asbjornson Hall, 2nd floor
- Reid Hall, 3rd floor, room 316
- Romney Hall, 3rd floor
- Strand Union Building, 1st Floor, right across from the MSU Bookstore
Using the international symbol for breastfeeding is one way for nursing mothers on campus to communicate to those around them the need for privacy while nursing or expressing milk.
Parking spaces nearby are reserved for those utilizing campus family care rooms. Please contact the Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer for more information about getting a “stork pass” to use those parking spaces.” |
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