Kootenai Heritage Council
Road Trip (inside Montana), United States 293-9643
The Kootenai Heritage Council officially came into existence on March 24, 1997. A committee was formed to select a name, write a mission statement, establish a non-profit organization, to select a board of directors, to form committees and to proceed with the business of establishing the infrastructure necessary to develop a cultural center for the citizens of Libby.The name Kootenai Heritage Council was selected as a reflection of our links to the Montana heritage project and our interest in preserving the heritage of our community.
Kootenai Heritage Council did research and conducted several community wide surveys to determine what kind of a facility was needed. All surveys revealed that a performance space was at the top of the list.
After several years of much debate and with a lot of help from the community and Senator Burns’s office, the Libby Memorial Center, Mark Schoknecht Performance Hall was established. It was determined that remodeling the Libby Memorial Gym was an advantages solution not only to renovate the gymnasium but to spur downtown economics and renovation.
For several years two local performance groups, Kootenai Karacters and the Treasure Tones, have been setting aside their profit in the hopes of someday building a performance center. Their generous donations have been crucial in our fund raising efforts.
Donations to the Kootenai Heritage Council are tax deductible. Membership is annual and expires August 31. Please mail memberships to: Kootenai Heritage Council, PO Box 360, Libby, MT 59923. For further information call Mary Hebenstreit at (406) 293-9324 or email at serenity_place@libby.org. We always welcome volunteers and sponsors for plays.
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