Conley’s Books & Music – Livingston
Livingston, MT 59047 United States (406) 222-7766
Conley’s Books and Music is a full music store that sells new and gently used instruments including guitars and ukuleles. We sell various kinds of books and CDs that include those from various local musicians and authors, tickets for events at places like The Shane Lalani Center for the Arts here in our neighborhood in Livingston, Montana. And also for Music Ranch Montana south of us in Paradise Valley. And the Red Ants Pants Music Festival a little bit north of us. We also have a wide variety of music books for instuments such as guitar, ukulelee, piano, flute and books for various genres like country, folk, pop, ….
Some of these music books may purchased in order to accompany instrument and music lessons taught by us in our studio.
We have everything you need for your instruments and learning how to play them by taking music lessons from us!
We also off an instrument repair service in our shop and rent musical instruments.
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