Church Of Christ – West Yellowstone
West Yellowstone, MT 59758 United States (406) 646-9459 http://www.westyellowstonechurchofchrist.com/
The mission of the church is to share the gospel with the lost and to strengthen the saints in faith so this mission can be accomplished. The gospel is the good news that while we all deserve God’s punishment, He has provided us a way of escape through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus (Cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 for a summary of the gospel message.). Our scriptural response to this gospel is explained to us in Romans 6:2-4 where we are reminded that as Jesus, our Savior, died for sin so we, too, are dead to sin having been buried with Jesus in baptism. And, as He was raised from the dead, we have been raised out of the waters of baptism “so that we too might walk in newness of life.” Having been freed from sin’s ownership through death, we are now in a position to live our lives in service to God.
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