Belgrade United Reformed Church
Come join us in worshiping God! We are a close knit family of Bible-believing Christians who trust in our promise keeping Lord who reveals Himself to us in His Word.
As Christians we believe that in this life we are all struggling sojourners, saved by faith in Christ alone, yet we are truly works in process. We do not claim to be a people who are “put together.” So, we draw near with the church throughout the ages (Heb. 12) as a New Israel (Eph. 3:4-6) to worship a gracious and great King who has redeemed and cares for His people. We worship our Lord in reverence desiring to walk in light of the second commandment, having in His worship those things which we see as explicitly commanded.
As part of the United Reformed Church we find our roots in the Reformation. This simply means that we trace our history back a little over 500 years to when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church doors in Wittenberg to “reform” the church to be more consistent with God’s Word.
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