Keep those running shoes and athletic garb handy! The 2018 Bobcat Triathlon will take place Friday and Saturday, September 21st–22nd on and around the Montana State University campus.
The sprint distance triathlon in Bozeman is geared toward athletes of every skill level. Hosted by the MSU Triathlon Club, this event is a fundraiser for the club’s race fees, travel costs, USAT Nationals, coaching fees, and other costs that come with sharing the sport of triathlon with students and community!
The Bobcat Triathlon is in a two-day format. The swim will be conducted in the Hosaeus Fitness Center on Friday, Sept. 21st. Racers will be able to come to the pool at any time between 1pm and 7pm to complete the 750m swim. The next day, Saturday, Sept. 22nd at 9am, the 12-mile biking event will begin at the Triple Tree parking lot. The course travels down Sourdough, turns left on Goldenstein, then left again on 3rd, and then turns around and follows itself back to the parking lot. The run is a 5k out-and-back course on the Triple Tree trail system. Food, results, prizes, good company, and awards will be available immediately after the race.
Triathlon registration is $50 until September 8th, after which the price will increase to $65. NO day-of registration will be accepted. Log on to and search “Bobcat Triathlon” to register. Please email with additional questions.