REI Bozeman continues to host FREE outdoors-based presentations into fall. Here’s a look at a few of the upcoming courses and other events.
An author’s event, reading, and Q&A with David Mauro for his book The Altitude Journals will take place Wednesday, September 12th from 6:30–8pm.
David Mauro took up mountain climbing at the age of 44. For the next seven years, he trudged across glaciers, frozen wastelands and through dense, dangerous forests. He communed with penguins and elephants, kept company with cannibals and gunrunners, and spoke with the dead. He ended up joining history’s courageous few when he ascended into the clouds to stand at the summit of Mt. Everest at age 50. His #1 bestseller, The Altitude Journals, chronicles these adventures and the lessons they provided for his personal challenges back home. David will read from his book while mixing in stunning photos, GoPro footage, and lively audience interaction. Time will be allotted for Q&A, as well as book signing, so bring your copy or purchase one at the event.
Check out the next Garage Sale for REI Members on Saturday, September 22nd from 9am–3pm. During this daylong sale, REI Members are invited to come in for amazing deals on “as is” merchandise that has been used and returned. Items are priced to sell. Come in early for the best selection. If you are not a member, please check with REI staff for membership details – it’s affordable and lasts a lifetime.
Looking ahead, Prepare for Bear Country on Thursday, September 27th from 6–7:30pm. The Bozeman store offers monthly bear education classes throughout the summer. Taught by one of REI’s nonprofit partners specializing in bear behavior, the goal is to reduce bear-human conflicts and injuries to both humans and bears. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the proper use of bear spray with inert canisters.
Many REI classes and presentations are free and open to the public, but registration is required as space is limited. Reserve a spot now at, where you can find more information about these and other upcoming courses and events.