As the snow melts, dog waste and garbage has been surfacing all around Big Sky. Runoff can carry this refuge to contaminate local waterways with plastic, nutrients, and bacteria.
To keep our trails and streams clean, the Gallatin River Task Force and Big Sky Community Organization are working together to host a new annual volunteer event, the Runoff Cleanoff! Set for Sunday, May 5th, the event will feature a morning of spring cleaning, fun, and education followed by a social volunteer appreciation pancake breakfast. Prizes will be awarded for those who remove the most pet waste. Furry friends are encouraged, but must be on leash.
The group will meet at Big Sky Community Park beginning at 9am. Please register in advance by emailing See you at the inaugural Runoff Cleanoff!
Gallatin River Task Force is a locally led nonprofit 501 (c)(3) watershed group headquartered along the famous Gallatin River in Big Sky, Montana. Learn about how the Gallatin River Task Force is maintaining a healthy Gallatin River Watershed for future generations at