When new Bobcat head coach Jeff Choate got the job in December, he knew there were additions that needed to be made to the roster to make the Bobcats tougher.
The ‘Cats took a step in the right direction recently with the addition of two defensive lineman to bolster a beleaguered unit that suffered ...
PBR bucks into Billings Rimrock Auto Arena
The PBR will come to the Rimrock Auto Arena in Billings Friday, April 15th at 8pm, Saturday the 16th at 7pm, and Sunday the 17th at 1:50pm. Ticket prices vary and are available for purchase at metrapark.com/events/2016/pbr/.
In 1992, when 20 bull riders from the rodeo circuit came together to give ...
Last day of the season is Sunday, April 17th at Big Sky
The annual Pond Skim marks the finale of another ski season at Big Sky Resort. Pond Skim 2016 is Saturday, April 16th and has a new start time of 12pm near the base of Ramcharger chairlift on the headwall of the Ambush ski run. Registration is first come first serve to the first 100 participants at ...
Charity poker tournament at Mixers Saloon today
The Kappa Sigma Bozeman Poker Tournament will host a Texas Hold ‘Em Charity Tournament on Saturday, April 16th with registration beginning at 2pm at Mixers in Bozeman, located at 515 West Aspen Street. There is a $75 Buy-In Donation and $50 Re-Buys for this tournament.
You could win up to $2,500 in ...
DeWeese Gallery reception and exhibtiion closing
The Robert and Gennie DeWeese Gallery is hosting a closing reception for the exhibition “Convergence | Divergence“, work by Wyoming sculptor Jason Lanka and students from Sheridan Community College. In addition to the works in the gallery, Lanka installed a site specific piece which creates a site ...
Calling All Brides, 12th Annual Downtown Bridal Walk
The Downtown Bozeman Association and Downtown Retailers along with our gracious community sponsors; The Bozeman Daily Chronicle, ABC/FOX Cowles Montana Media, KISS FM and Allegra Printing are proud to present the 2016 Bridal Walk on Saturday, April 9th 10am-2pm on Main Street in Downtown Bozeman. ...