The Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture has announced the opening of three new exhibits to enjoy this winter. First up, the Jessie Wilber Gallery will host the Celebration of the Arts Exhibit, opening with a reception on Friday, December 14th from 5–8pm. Silent bidding will begin at the opening event and will continue through the night of the Celebration of the Arts main event, set for January 25th in the Emerson Ballroom.
The fourth annual Celebration of the Arts Exhibit is a juried collection of original art donated by local and regional artists in support of the Emerson. This exhibit allows the local cultural center to honor and highlight artists who have contributed their works to the Emerson’s most important fundraiser, the Celebration of the Arts.
Artists participating in this year’s exhibit are: Sarah Angst, Kathy Burk, Joanne Berghold, Heather Cromwell, Jim Dick, Roger Cruwys, Jan Elpel, Scott Fabritz, Audrey Glover Czaykowski, Graham Goff, Craig Hergert, Stacey Herries, Jim Howard, Ann Justin, Kirstin Kainz, Marsha Karle, Ethan Markie, Tara Moore, Darla Myers, Trevor Nelson, Mike O’Connell, Steve Osman, Laura Blue Palmer, Richard Parrish, Martha Rotella, Kathleen Smith, Sonja Stebe, Kara Tripp, and Angela Zanolari. This exhibit will be on display through the Jan. 25th event.
Also at the Emerson, the Lobby Gallery will host Urban West featuring works by June Billings Safford, Kelsey Dzintars, Edd Enders and Noah Massey, on display December 14th through January 25th.
Urban West was curated to complement this year’s ‘Celebration of the Arts’ theme – Argentina. The South American country is known for its lively street scenes and urban artwork. Exhibit curators aim to bring that same vibrancy to the Emerson’s Lobby this December and January. The splendor of our state’s natural landscape is a prevent artistic theme. To capture the beauty and artistry also present in our urban environments, these four artists have been invited to create works which exemplify the richness within Montana’s cities.
Finally, in the Weaver Room Gallery, Main Street Montana by Ed Enders will be on display December 7th through January 25th.
Enders’ solo show in the Weaver Room was also curated as a complement to the ‘Urban West’ theme of the Lobby exhibit. He’s a Livingston native and prolific artist who has had numerous solo and group shows worldwide. Mr. Enders was a perfect artist to accompany the Celebration of the Arts theme as his work identifies with ALL of Montana, not simply the natural landscape.
“I consider myself a contemporary western painter,” he says. “I am not interested in portraying the West as it’s commonly idealized with pristine landscapes and romanticized wildlife, cowboys and Indians. I want to portray human’s inevitable activity and impact on this region.”
Located at 111 S Grand Ave., the Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture serves as a primary resource for the arts, arts education, and cultural activities in Southwest Montana. Learn more at