School mascot: a matter of pride
by Danny Waldo
Now that the Bozeman School District has officially adopted the name Bozeman Westslope High School for its newest high school that is slated to open in the Fall of 2020, it can now turn its attention to the selection of school colors and mascot for its clubs and sports teams.
As arduous as the task was for selecting a school name (the community suggested over 170 choices) the process should be even more scrutinized when selecting a mascot. Why? Because mascots are a source of pride, particularly in the field of athletic competition where intimidation, strength and power are coveted characteristics. There’s a reason why teams name themselves the Bears, rather than the Teddy Bears.
The district has guidelines for what the qualifications for an appropriate mascot and school colors should be, but they didn’t necessarily follow their own guidelines in naming the school, so let’s hope they don’t circumvent the process in the naming the mascot too.
Westslope is in honor of the state’s official fish (say that ten times fast), but to me, doesn’t have the community connection to Bozeman that the committee claimed they were looking for in a name. But be that as it may, since Westslope is a species of trout, some in the community will predictably suggest that the mascot should simply be the trout then. Really?
Does a trout strike fear into the hearts of opponents? Does a trout exude strength and pride like a hawk? Can you imagine chanting along with the student body, yelling, “Let’s go Trout?” I dare say NO!
I would hope that the committee that makes the recommendation for the mascot uses a little more common sense than they did when selecting the school name, and go with something a little more robust, such as a Raptor or Mountaineer. But should they choose something as meek and mild as the trout it won’t be the worst team name out there; that list is reserved for the following high school team names:
10. Centralia High Orphans
9.Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms
8. The Arkansas School for the Deaf Leopards
7. The Poca High Dots
6. Tillamook Cheesemakers
5. Frankfort Hot Dogs
4. Mars Fighting Planets
3. New Braunfels Unicorns
2. Butternut Midgets
1. Hoopeston Cornjerkers.
Danny Waldo is a local freelance sportswriter covering Montana State Bobcat and Bozeman High School athletics. •