MSU College of Letters and Science to celebrate faculty authors Jan. 20.
From MSU News Service
BOZEMAN — The Montana State University College of Letters and Science will celebrate faculty authors who have published new books at a livestreamed virtual event to be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20.
The 16th annual College of Letters and Science Authors Reception is free and open to all and can be viewed here.
The virtual reception will begin with an interview with Sara Rushing, associate professor in the Department of Political Science conducted by Yves Idzerda, dean of the College of Letters and Science. They will discuss Rushing’s new book, “The Virtues of Vulnerability: Humility, Autonomy, and Citizen-Subjectivity,” which was published by Oxford University Press. Following the interview, Rushing will take questions from the audience.
The authors from the college to be recognized, their departments and the featured books, include:
· Julia Haggerty, Earth sciences, editor of “Energy Impacts: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of North American Energy Development.”
· Kristen Intemann, history and philosophy, editor of “The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science.”
· William Wyckoff, Earth sciences, “Riding Shotgun with Norman Wallace.”
· Gretchen Minton, English, “Twelfth Night: Arden Performance Editions” and “Shakespeare in Montana: Big Sky Country’s Love Affair with the World’s Most Famous Writer.”
· Nicole Carnegie and Stacey Hancock, mathematical sciences, “Montana State Introductory Statistics with R.”
· Paul Lachapelle, political science, “Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America.”
· Scott Parker, English, “Being on the Oregon Coast.”
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Sara Rushing, associate professor of political science in the Department of Political Science, will give a short talk about her book, “The Virtues of Vulnerability: Humility, Autonomy, and Citizen-Subjectivity” as part of the 16th Annual College of Letters and Science Authors Reception on Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.