C. David Swanson Art Opening
“The Long Way”
Two Rivers Art Gallery
Two Rivers Art Gallery is honored to feature David Swanson of Livingston, Montana for our upcoming May Show. Swanson is a contemporary painter whose skillful depictions of the American West have earned him notable recognition. With evocative strength he captures images of the changing West whether it be abandoned grain elevators, railroad hotels or old ranch buildings and towns. Swanson’s work has been compared to Edward Hopper. Viewing Swanson’s art one feels his response to the landscape thru his painting.
Educated at The Art Institute of Chicago David Swanson takes a mundane subject and makes it interesting. There is evidence of his architectural background in his stunning work. Swanson’s work is spectacular, thru the juxtaposition of his painterly impressionism and the architectural structures he renders. Traveling Route 66 as a child, and being on the road as a guitarist in the 80’s LA based band The Pop influenced Swanson and is evident in his work. “Out West the horizon seems to extend forever and to travel by car there is just such a highway loneliness – that connection with Jack Kerouac and Woodie Guthrie,” Swanson said. “I don’t think any of us is immune, it’s part of our collective psyche”.
“My goal always is to represent scenes and subjects that capture my gaze and lay a hand on my soul, causing me to pause and see; then to paint them as faithfully and passionately as possible, with all the energy and skill I can muster. Occasionally, I create something which, in my eyes is beautiful; reflecting and/or refracting by my lens somehow the beauty of creation, and hopefully adding to the sum of beauty in the world. If one must obey the impulse to create something, this seems like a valid objective. Above all, I am compelled by the America I have experienced in my lifetime. It is not a sequence of experience necessarily, but rather an accumulation of images and meaning that excites me: the red brick of a downtown rail yard, the lone heroic form of a grain elevator on the prairie, the black cars of a coal train slicing through the endless undulations of this enormous land.” -David Swanson
Please join us in celebration of David Swanson’s Opening: “The Long Way”, new and recent paintings. Friday May 18th 5-7pm at Two Rivers Gallery, 226 McLeod Street Big Timber, Montana. The show will be at the gallery May 11th-June 2nd, 2018.
Gallery Hours: Wed-Fri 11-4, Sat 10-2(Sat hours subject to change) or by appt,
Questions please call or email Mary Grace, Gallery Director. 406/932-4009 info@tworiversgallery.net
For appointments please text:310/963-5307