There’s still time! The BoZone is once again asking area residents to partake in its annual BEST of Bozeman 2016. This is the time to give recognition to your favorite small businesses, entertainment, hotspots, and other local destinations. Now in its 15th year of polling, this season’s slate features a broader selection and many returning favorites.
Categories include: Best Brewery, Best Tasting Room, Best Nightlife, Best Happy Hour, Best Cocktails, Best Ice Cream Shop, Best Overnight or Weekend Getaway, Best Art Gallery, Best Frame Shop, Best Furniture Store, Best Book Store, Best Record/CD Store, Best Thrift Store, Best Clothing Store, Best BBQ, Best Burger, Best Outdoor Activity, Best Hiking Trail, Best Jogging Trail, Best Gym, Best Non-Profit, Best Use of Taxpayers’ Money, Best Place for a New Traffic Light, and finally Best Thing About Bozeman–and SO much more. NEW to this year: Best Place for Gifts for Him/Her, Best Place for Unique Gifts, and Best Food Truck/Cart.
Vote for all your favorite categories at through Sunday, April 10th. Winners will be announced in The BoZone’s April 15th edition and will receive BEST of Bozeman certificates to display in their store. So don’t fret, vote! •