Dancers perform during the opening ceremony at the annual MSU Pow Wow. The annual two-day MSU American Indian Council Powwow will be held March 25-26 at the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. The powwow is one of the largest powwows held in Montana. Powwow events are free and open to all. MSU photo by Anne Cantrell.
The 41st annual Montana State University American Indian Council Powwow will be held March 25-26 at MSU’s Brick Breeden Fieldhouse.
The MSU powwow is one of the largest in Montana. Powwow events are free and open to all.
The powwow begins at 6 p.m. Friday, March 25, with the grand entry. There will also be grand entries at noon and 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. Dance and drum competitions with cash prizes are a key feature of the event. Booths around the edge of the dance arena will offer the crafts of traditional artists and artisans.
The host drum group will be Young Bear from Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Mandaree, North Dakota. The head woman dancer is Destiny Bear Claw. Head man dancer is JC Pretty Paint, Crow. The masters of ceremonies will be Kasey Nicholson, White Clay, and Jason Goodstriker, Kainai (Blood Tribe). Alexa Long Knife, Assiniboine, is Miss Indian MSU.
Arena directors are Devan Kicknosway, Walpole Island First Nation in southern Ontario, Canada. Co-arena director Dwayne Wesley, Stoney Tribes. The head dance judge is Cal Walks Over Ice, Crow. Head singing judge is Michael Spears, Lakota.
A Nation’s Prayer Breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 26, at MSU’s Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. There will also be an MSU alumni brunch at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Hall of Fame Room of the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. Denise Juneau, a 1993 MSU graduate and Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction, will deliver the keynote address. For more information, contact the MSU Alumni Foundation, (406) 994-2401, or email alumni@montana.edu.
The annual MSU Powwow Basketball Tournament will be held March 25-26. For more information, call Cheryl Polacek at 994-6114 or email powwowball@gmail.com.
For more information about the powwow, go to