Night at the MuseumS – An Evening of Park County Trivia
April 1 @ 5:30pm
The Yellowstone Gateway Museum and the Depot Center are joining forces AGAIN to test Park County residents’ knowledge of their backyard. Night at the MusuemS is a fundraiser to benefit BOTH museums. The Livingston Depot Center and Yellowstone Gateway Museum need your support to continue sharing the history and culture of the region with residents and visitors.
Contribute to your local historical institutions and purchase a ticket for Night at the MuseumS on Tuesday, April 1st. Special guest hosts Quinn Conley and Maggie Henderson are back to provide a boost of comedy and guidance for Park County Historical trivia. Leave the fools at home, and just bring your smarts and good humor to the Livingston Depot Center on April 1st.
A GRAND PRIZE of $800.00 awaits the winning team, as well as bragging rights, and a memorialization of your achievement on plaques to be hung in both The Yellowstone Gateway Museum and the Depot Center. Last year’s winning team “WIN-I-GAN” may be back to try to defend their title!
Doors open at 5:30 pm with Bad Burger, Gil’s Goods, and Foodworks ready to serve up brain food and Katabatic Brewing will be offering refreshments. Trivia begins at 6:30 pm.
The evening will be familiar to those who have entered trivia contests with additional prizes and raffles. Categories for questions may include: Railroad & Industry; Historical Characters of Park County; “Name this Place” from old photos; Ranching; Yellowstone National Park; Geology; Hollywood and Park County; Archeology; and Surprise Wild Card Questions. Come prepared to demonstrate your command of Park County History!
Tickets on sale now at LivingstonDepot.org/trivianight.html. Test your knowledge of Park County Trivia as a team or go it alone. $50 per player. Teams up to 8 members. Sponsorships are available with additional perks and prizes. Bring yourself and your team to this lively night filled with prizes, raffles, local food and drink vendors, and more! How much do you know about Park County?