The Livingston Film Series is delighted to present a screening of Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City on Thursday, March 14th. The film begins at 7pm at the Shane Lalani Center for the Arts.
Asteroid City: a fictional American desert town, circa 1955. Junior Stargazers and Space Cadets from across the country assemble for the annual Asteroid Day celebration – but the scholarly competition is spectacularly upended by world-changing events. Equal parts comedy, drama and romance (with a touch of science-fiction). Directed by Wes Anderson and featuring an all-star cast including Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson and Tom Hanks. Asteroid City is Rated R with a run time of 106 min.
“The colors are mesmerizing and ever-so-gently destabilizing. These pigments signal that you’ve entered a new fictional realm that, like the television studio, is at once immediately recognizable and somehow foreign,” writes Manohla Darquis, a reviewer for The New York Times. “The interplay between the familiar and the strange, like that between the theatrical and the cinematic, is a foundational theme in Anderson’s films, which, like most movies, look a lot like life yet are always different. What makes that difference is art – the voice, sensibility, technique, craft, money, luck and how the thrilling, terrifying mess of existence is gathered, organized and then set loose upon the world.”
Continuing its latest season of screening independent features, documentaries, local films and vintage classics, doors open at 6:30pm with screenings to follow at 7pm. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted. Concessions available. For more information, please visit
The Livingston Film Series is generously sponsored by Marilyn Clotz & Mary Ann Bearden and Donald B. Gimbel. •