Playmill Theatre
When the Playmill Theatre ambitiously opened its doors for the first time on the unassuming night of June 20, 1964, there were doubts it would last the
summer, let alone through the rest of the century. But last it has, and here we
are 39 seasons later, still dedicated to the ideals of fun-filled, memory-making
summer entertainment that has been the Playmill’s credo from its first day to
Welcome to the Playmill Theatre, and our 2004 season. This is the Playmill’s
41st Anniversary summer in our original West Yellowstone playhouse; the seats
may be new, but the building’s an old friend. We’re proud to continue the
traditions of quality family merriment the founders of the Playmill set out to
provide, and which you have come to expect of us.
Our season begins the weekend before Memorial Day, running at least eight
shows, six days a week, through the Saturday before Labor Day. Audience demand
has impelled us to perform double-headers (back to back performances) each
weekend, in addition to weeknights through July and August. By the time the
summer is over, we’ll have sung through more than 250 performances of all three
musicals, and we’ll be ready to rest.
Thank you for making our home yours, if only for a night or two. We know many
of you have been here before, and we thank you for making us a summer tradition
in your lives. If you’re visiting for the first time, do join us again. As ever,
you remain the best reason the Playmill exists.
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