Gute Laune Wurstbar in The Rialto
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States 406.404.7911 https://www.rialtobozeman.com/gutelaune.php
Why gute Laune
gute Laune is German. It means good mood.
The kind of mood you feel sitting down on a restaurant bench with past, present, and future good friends.Taking turns sharing life’s latest curveballs. Enjoying the happy haze of the best hefeweizen you’ve had this year. Sure, it can be that kind of good mood. But it also means something deeper. It’s good humor. It’s a good spirit.
It’s the spirit of making a food space that’s rancher-led, butcher-led, and community-led. The people who till the fields, move the livestock, and raise your meat are the stars of the show. Bringing the very best from the pasture on the horizon to the tray on your table. It’s the feeling when substance beats style. Where you can hold a real beer stein with heft in your hand. But most of all, it’s the feeling when the people who make the meat and the people who eat it can sit at the same table. When everyone in our Bozeman community can come together and share in the spirit of great food.
Good food, Good beer, Good spirits
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