Camp Castle Rock – Butte
Butte, MT United States (800) 736-5243 https://www.gsmw.org/en/outdoors-travel/our-camps/camp-locations.html
Located a few miles from the city of Butte, Montana, Camp Castle Rock is a beautiful spot surrounded by lovely wooded hills. This delightful place for a mountain camp covers many timbered acres with several open places for camping, beautiful parks and a creek.
Thanks to busy beavers, a pond is situated directly across from the Lodge. Their work created an environment for birds and other creatures. It has been rumored moose can be spotted from time to time. The site is situated in the foothills of the Little Basin Valley.
A short walk from the camp toward the Continental Divide reveals views south into the Moose Creek country, southeast to the Upper Reservoir of the Butte Water company, and in the distance the Highland Mountains. Directly east is the Basin Creek Reservoir and Roosevelt Drive. Westward is the Divide Valley and further southwest looms the snowcapped Fleecer Mountain. To the north Butte is in plain view, twinkling in the evenings.
The site has a beautiful log lodge built in the 1920s surrounded by lofty and inspiring mountains.
If interested in reserving Camp Castle Rock, please refer to the following documents:
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