Blunderbuss is a long term hostel, maker space, and studio for risk takers in Bozeman, Montana. The house includes an art gallery, studios, co-working space, fire pit, ultimate lounge, conference room, 4 hole disc golf course and a garden.
The original pirate shotgun, the blunderbuss, is known for its utilitarian resourcefulness; it could fire whatever material fit down its barrel, including forks, knives, rocks, etc. As such, the blunderbuss was a fitting namesake and metaphor for the environment Blunderbuss seeks to foster, one in which risk-takers can discharge their creative shrapnel on the community – to fail comfortably or succeed incredibly – and learn. As stewards of resourcefulness, collaboration, ingenuity and innovation.
Blunderbuss is committed to making multi-generational education, open community dialogue and unhindered creativity of foremost priority.
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