Delve into a homegrown, headline-making natural disaster with Gallatin Valley Friends of the Sciences, whose popular lecture series kicks off its new season this month with all new subject matter. Co-sponsored by Museum of the Rockies and Hopa Mountain, the first talk of the ’24-’25 series is set for Wednesday, September 18th. “Lessons from the 2022 Yellowstone Floods: The Power of Documentary Film Interviews” will begin at 6pm. It will be held in MOR’s Hager Auditorium.
How does making a documentary film help inform rural natural disaster response? Dr. Hugo Sindelar, MSU Assistant Professor of Film, will share his experience making a documentary about the 2022 Yellowstone floods and what lessons can be learned from shared stories of the effects and recovery to prepare for and manage future natural disasters.

photo by VC Wall
The informative talks will be presented in person on select Wednesdays this fall. The presentations are free and open to the public, with seating on a first-come, first-served basis. Face masks are recommended but not required.
Find Gallatin Valley Friends of the Sciences on social media or visit for additional details and information about future talks. The nonprofit was established in 2017 to explore cutting edge science topics, their latest developments, and their relevance to society. •