Hosted by the Gallatin Commuter Project, the 2024 GoGallatin Challenge will run from Monday, June 3rd to Friday, June 28th. This friendly competition between organizations and businesses in the Bozeman area challenges locals to commute to and from work by biking, walking, riding the bus, and carpooling. The annual event encourages active, sustainable and efficient means of transportation.
Bozeman Commuter Project is all about promoting active, sustainable and healthy forms of transportation to work, play, for errands and just to get outside. Biking, walking, running and rolling (skateboard, rollerblades, scooters) are all acceptable forms of transport.
As always, this is a team challenge, but individuals may still participate. Create a solo account or join a team through the event website, log your trips and win prizes. Team standings are determined by the number of trips logged by ALL enrolled team members.
What counts as a “trip”? A one-way journey to or from work, the grocery store or other utilitarian trip made by bike, bus, foot, carpool or other sustainable transportation method. If you bike both to work and home, that counts as two trips. Maximum number of trips that can be logged is 4 per day using Strava, Waze or the Commute Tracker app.
Later this month, GoGallatin and the Gallatin Valley Bicycle Club will present the Festival of Bikes on Friday, June 23rd at the conclusion of the annual Challenge. The event will be held from 5–9pm in Bogert Park. The family friendly evening will allow cyclists, their friends and families an opportunity to gather and celebrate all things spokes.
The event will include suds, eats, live entertainment and a chance to visit with representatives from local bike shops. There will be contests with awesome prizes for those in attendance. Open to all, find the event hosts on social media for additional information.
Visit to register for the Challenge, log trips, and learn more about supplemental events. Further details about the Festival of Bikes will be available through the website and social media as the event approaches. •