The Livingston Film Series presents an evening with Andrew Laszlo Jr. as he shares the compelling story of his father’s amazing life — from the horrors of the Holocaust to his ascent into feature filmmaking as a world-renowned cinematographer. “A Footnote to History: Growing up in Hungary, the Holocaust and Coming to America” will be held on Thursday, October 12th at 7pm.
Andrew Laszlo, Jr. says, “My father told me his secret when I was in my forties, that his family were all victims of the Holocaust and only he survived. Fifty years after arriving in New York Harbor, he presented me with his memoir sharing every detail of his story. He came to America with two dollars in his pocket and became a world-famous cinematographer. His life was a triumph over persecution and evil. His will to survive gave me and my children the gift of life. I present to honor my father. Keeping the story alive may help prevent it from happening again.”
This special event is hosted by the Livingston Film Series.
Doors open at 6:30pm and the presentation begins at 7pm.
Admission is free; donations are gratefully accepted. For more information, please visit
Following the presentation, Andrew Laszlo Jr. will be available for discussion and Q&A.
Livingston Film Series is generously sponsored by Marilyn Clotz & Mary Ann Bearden and Donald B. Gimbel. •