Endangered bird species of South America subject of Sac Audubon program
Sacajawea Audubon Society will next host guide and explorer Forrest Rowland for its monthy program, this time entitled “Critically Endangered Bird Species of South America.” Spanning locales from Guatemala to Brazil, the presentation will be centered on some of the rarest, most endangered species on Earth. The event will take place on Monday, November 11th at Hope Lutheran Church, located at 2152 W Graf in Bozeman. The evening begins with a social at 6:30pm, followed by the program at 7pm.
The talk will not only cover the natural history and discovery of these wonderful species, but also the ecology of their region and what makes them so special. From Horned Guan to Blue-eyed Ground Dove, Rowland will relate his personal experiences with these birds, and discuss the most immediate concerns and threats to the well-being of these particular species and the important habitats that they are the icons for.
Forrest Rowland took his first trip to the Neotropics at the tender age of 9 and this has blossomed into a lifelong love affair with the region’s birds and wildlife. Forrest has a technical education in Genetics but has since spent many years in the field, honing his birding skills throughout the Americas. He is now primary tour leader in South America for Rockjumper Birding Tours.
Rowland’s first extended stint to South America involved several weeks at Tiputini Biological Research Station, in the Upper Amazonian region of Ecuador. This encouraged him to ship all his earthly belongings to Quito, where he became a resident after realizing that he wanted to dedicate his career and life to bird guiding. Since this move in 2003, Rowland has guided over three dozen tours and participated in numerous scientific excursions in South America, including working with ProAves and other local conservation entities in Colombia. He resides in Livingston.
Sacajawea Audubon Society programs are free and open to the public. The events feature a special guest speaker the second Monday of each month, September through May, at Hope Lutheran. The organization’s mission is to build on an interest in birds to promote the conservation of our natural environment through enjoyment, education and action. Learn more at www.sacajaweaaudubon.org.