Some thoughts and resolutions for a Happy New Year!
by Zelpha A. Boyd
A new year and just the time for all those resolutions. I have a few. In these trying times it may be hard to think positive, but my thoughts and resolutions are just that.
I’m looking forward to Spring coming again. Those flowers that ignore the rigors of Winter and always come blooming forth. Don’t you just love ’em? In the meantime the Orchid and Christmas Cactus are blooming right beside me. How could I not be optimistic and positive?
The world situation – indeed our own country – seems out of control. Elections, impeachment, hate crimes, violence and war; all enough to make me want to move to Mars! But here I stay, coping the very best I can.
There are things I can do, however. Turn off the TV, enjoy the silence, remember that Spring is coming and so are better times.
I can do activities that take the place of TV, like play the piano (even take lessons?). I understand that music soothes the savage soul. Maybe it would even calm me down, when the news gets to be more that I want to listen to! I can read more, especially biographies. I could visit friends, and make oftener contact with family – phone calls, letters.
My resolutions this year include being kinder, gentler, more thoughtful, and taking better care or myself – body, soul and spirit. In this way I’ll be better able to help others.
May it be a good year for all of us. Spring is coming! •