Bozeman Public Library
Saturday, April 16, 6pm – 8pm
Where: Large Community Room
Description: The Library Foundation is bringing a rare treat to Bozeman–Scott Acton, a scientist who works on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), is bicycling around the world, teaching people about this amazing telescope.
On Saturday, April 16, at 6pm Scott will present “The JWST: A New Observatory Beyond the Moon.”Scott, nephew of former astronaut and Library Foundation Vice President Loren Acton, currently works for Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., but hold the title of “Wavefront Sensing and Controls Scientist” for JWST, which will be the largest telescope ever put in space. It is so large that it would never fit inside of a launch vehicle. As such, the entire telescope has to fold up, much like one of the action cartoon “transformer” characters. After JWST is launched, it is the responsibility of Scott’s team to put it all together via remote control.
The launch is scheduled for December 2018 or January 2019. This is a fascinating opportunity to learn about Scott’s biking journey and the science that inspired it!