HRDC is proud to offer Ready to Rent, a free renter education program focused on tenant rights and responsibilities. At Ready to Rent, participants will develop a plan to overcome the challenges hindering them from renting the home or apartment they desire. In addition, participants will create a rental portfolio making it easier for landlords to approve. Upon completion of all class sessions, participants will receive a Ready to Rent certificate and wallet card to provide to potential landlords.
The Ready to Rent class sessions will be held on August 18, 19, & 20 from 6 to 9pm at the The Bozeman United Methodist Church, 121 S. Willson. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Classes are free, but pre-registration is required. Registration packets are available at HRDC, 32 South Tracy, downtown Bozeman. The registration deadline is Monday, August 17 at 5:00pm. To learn more about the free Ready to Rent Tenant Education Program and how HRDC is building a better community, visit our website