Front Street Path
GVLT is pleased to announce that the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) bond Committee has unanimously supported our proposal to use TOP funding to construct a paved path along the city-owned Front Street right-of-way. This connector will be situated just east of the Rouse Ave. and Oak St. intersection. The 8’ wide paved bike and pedestrian pathway will be approximately 1/4 mile long. While short, this trail is a critical improvement for safety and connectivity in the trail system between heavily used routes. It will help users from the west side, using the Oak Street path, access the Story Mill Park, Path to the M, East Gallatin Recreation Area and Story Mill Spur Trail, as well as dozens of businesses without having to travel north or south on busy Rouse Ave. This trail will help bicyclists and pedestrians connect to trails, parks, businesses, and hotels while avoiding busy roadways. Additional funding has been provided from Collin’s Coalition and the Northeast Urban Renewal District.