Explore “Self” with Women’s Center Lunch time Seminar
The Montana State University Women’s Center will present Sack Lunch Seminar “Journey to Your Best Self” on Wednesday, November 6th. Amber King will present from noon–1pm in SUB 168.
King is the owner of Kingfisher Coaching and Retreats in Bozeman. She offers life coaching, workshops and weekend retreats on a variety of topics. This workshop will give participants the opportunity to explore self through several tools to determine what works best for each individual to begin to set and reach future goals.
The MSU Women’s Center is a department in the division of Student Success and was created to promote greater responsiveness to the needs of university women. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9am–4pm during the academic year, when classes are in session. Lectures are FREE and open to the public. For more information about these and other events, visit www.montana.edu/women