BZN International Film Festival seeks art for second annual poster 2019 BZN Int’l Film Festival seeks art for second annual poster
It may still feel like the dead of winter, but BZN International Film Festival is returning sooner than you might think! From June 6th–9th, BZN will once again welcome scores of filmmakers, special guests and patrons to Bozeman to celebrate a weekend of films, parties, panels and events.
Organizers are hard at work on the mutli-day event that celebrates our community. From Montana filmmakers to Bozeman businesses and restaurants to film fest staff, BZN is dedicated to making this festival as much a celebration of our home as it is a showcase of superb cinema from around the world.
To that end, BZN is currently seeking artwork for its second annual poster, and would be honored to use the work of an artist from Montana.
Here is some information to consider when applying.
– The title “BZN International Film Festival,” location “Bozeman, Montana,” and the dates “June 6-9, 2019” may be included in poster artwork. If this text is not added by the artist, the BZN graphic designer will do so.
– BZN logo must be included in poster artwork
– All artwork must be original and created for the Festival
– Dimensions are approximately 8’’ x 10’’ with a .125” bleed.
– This year’s event is dedicated to environmental stewardship and, like last year, highlighting women in film. Artists are encouraged to consider incorporating these themes into their submissions.
– All artwork must be scanned and emailed to by March 1st
The winning artist will receive two all-access passes to BZN International Film Festival, and will be recognized in all Festival programs and online. Please note: selected artwork may be resized to fit various promotional materials.
Further submission details and information about BZN can be found at Please direct any additional inquiries to Follow BZN on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the most up to date event details and announcements. •